Ant identification
Atlus Pest Control specializing in ants:
Atlus Pest Control stands as an expert in managing and eradicating ant infestations. With advanced methods and environmentally-friendly treatments, they target the root causes of ant colonies to offer long-term solutions. Whether dealing with common black ants or the more destructive carpenter ants, Atlus Pest Control has an in-depth understanding of ant behavior, life cycles, and elimination strategies. Clients can rely on them for immediate relief and comprehensive guidance on preventative measures.

Argentine ant colonies thrive in moist environments rich with food sources. These colonies can reach staggering sizes, at times encompassing an entire garden or even your entire backyard.

Carpenter ants are highly adaptable when it comes to nest locations. They establish colonies wherever water sources, damp wood, tree stumps, firewood, or house plants are present. They can also infiltrate buildings through moist, damaged wood.

Crazy ants exhibit versatility in their choice of nesting sites, comfortably occupying both dry and moist environments. Colonies ranging from 2,000 to 10,000 ants are commonly found in mulch beds and leaf piles.

These ants typically have a lifespan of several years and frequently establish their colonies in exposed soil, under stones, logs, mulch, debris, and similar items. They may also nest in cracks in walls and floors.

These diligent ants establish their nests beneath stones and within cracks in pavements. They're not hesitant to move in and infest structures if given the opportunity.

These ants prefer to build their nests outdoors, often in landscaped areas and close to structural foundations. If given the chance, they'll find their way inside through any available holes or cracks.