Red imported fire ants
Color: Dark reddish brown
Legs: 6
Shape: Segmented; oval
Size: 1/8″ - 3/8″
Antennae: Yes
Red Imported Fire Ants are known for their fiery sting. They construct large mound nests in the soil, and when disturbed, they won't hesitate to sting humans.
These ants prefer to build their nests outdoors, often in landscaped areas and close to structural foundations. If given the chance, they'll find their way inside through any available holes or cracks.
A sting from a red imported fire ant is not to be taken lightly. It's a painful experience, usually leaving behind a raised welt that eventually turns into a white pustule. Victims are often subjected to multiple stings, intensifying the discomfort. For those allergic to insect stings, the reaction can be even more severe.
1. Seal cracks and gaps in structures to prevent entry.
2. Eliminate standing water.
3. Trim tree branches and other plants near your home to prevent them from providing a pathway into your home.