Stinging pest identification

Africanized bees establish colonies in a variety of locations, including natural cavities, buildings, and other structures.

Bumble bee colonies are typically established in underground burrows or other sheltered locations.

Nests are often constructed in hollow trees, wall voids, attics, and other sheltered locations.

Honey bee colonies are found in hives or cavities in trees, buildings, and other structures.

These wasps can be found in various environments, including gardens, woodlands, and urban areas.

Mud daubers can be found in various environments, including gardens, fields, and urban areas.

Nests are often constructed in sheltered locations, such as eaves, branches, or building structures.

These insects are commonly found in gardens, fields, and woodlands, where they patiently wait on vegetation to ambush their prey.

Yellow jacket nests are often located underground, in tree hollows, or in buildings.