Africanized 'killer' bees
Color: Similar to honey bees; golden-yellow with brown stripes
Legs: 6
Shape: Robust, fuzzy body
Size: About 0.5 to 0.75 inches
Africanized bees are a hybrid of honey bees and African honey bees. They are known for their aggressive behavior and tendency to swarm when threatened.
Africanized bees establish colonies in a variety of locations, including natural cavities, buildings, and other structures.
Africanized bees are highly aggressive and will aggressively defend their nests. Their stings can be dangerous, especially for those with bee allergies.
To prevent encounters with Africanized bees, it's important to be cautious around unknown bee colonies and seek professional removal if needed. Remember, if you encounter a nest or swarm of stinging pests, it's best to contact a professional pest control service for safe and effective removal. Attempting to handle or remove them on your own can be dangerous.