Spider identification

They are commonly found in outdoor structures like sheds, garages, and woodpiles. They may also be found in undisturbed indoor areas.

They are commonly found in cluttered spaces, basements, closets, and attics. They may also inhabit shoes or clothing left undisturbed.

They are commonly found in vegetation, under rocks, and in other sheltered areas.

They are commonly found indoors, in corners, and near windows and light sources. They may also be found in garages and sheds.

They are commonly found in vegetation, on walls, and indoors near windows. They are agile and can jump great distances relative to their size.

They are commonly found in dark, damp environments like basements, cellars, and crawl spaces.

They are commonly found in gardens, meadows, and wooded areas. Orb-weavers typically build their webs in open spaces where flying insects are abundant.

They are commonly found in grassy areas, gardens, under rocks, and in leaf litter. They may also enter homes in search of prey.