Orb-weaver spider
Color: Varied, often with intricate patterns and colors.
Legs: 8
Shape: Compact body with long, slender legs. Females are generally larger and more robust than males.
Size: Depending on the species, body length can range from 1/8 to 1 inch, with leg spans up to inches.
Orb-weaver spiders are known for their distinctive, circular webs with radiating lines. They are excellent hunters that wait for prey to get entangled in their webs.
They are commonly found in gardens, meadows, and wooded areas. Orb-weavers typically build their webs in open spaces where flying insects are abundant.
Orb-weaver spiders are not considered dangerous to humans. Their bites, while uncommon, may cause mild localized pain, redness, and swelling.
Since orb-weaver spiders are beneficial for controlling insect populations, they are generally not considered pests. To avoid accidentally walking into their webs, it's a good idea to be aware of your surroundings in areas where they are prevalent. If a web is inadvertently disturbed, it's best to leave the spider undisturbed to rebuild its web.