Crazy ants
Color: Dark brown to gray/black
Legs: 6
Shape: Long, segmented
Size: 1/16 – 1/8”
Antennae: Yes
Crazy ants earn their name by their erratic and unpredictable foraging patterns. When hunting for food, they dart around in a haphazard manner. Their diet includes other insects, aphid honeydew, fruit, and seeds. Caribbean crazy ants typically construct their nests outdoors, often under rocks, near foundations, or on occasion, beneath floors or carpets. Rainfall disrupts their food supply, prompting them to venture out in search of shelter and sustenance.
Crazy ants exhibit versatility in their choice of nesting sites, comfortably occupying both dry and moist environments. Colonies ranging from 2,000 to 10,000 ants are commonly found in mulch beds and leaf piles.
While Caribbean crazy ants don't pose a direct health risk, they can be a significant annoyance when they invade your living space.
1. Remove standing water to deter pests like ants, mosquitoes, and termites, which are drawn to moisture.
2. Trim back tree branches and other plants around your house to cut off potential pathways.
3. Seal any cracks or small openings around your foundation.
4. Store firewood and building materials away from your home to eliminate potential hiding spots.