Fly identification

Blow flies are commonly found in outdoor environments where there is ample access to carrion, animal feces, and other decomposing matter. They are also known to infest homes, especially if there is a dead animal within.

As their name suggests, drain flies are commonly found in drains, sewer lines, and other damp, organic-rich areas.

Fruit flies are found in kitchens, near garbage cans, and around overripe fruits and vegetables. They are attracted to the smell of decaying material and fermenting liquids such as beer, wine, and soda.

House flies are a common pest found in and around homes. They are attracted to areas where food is prepared, stored, or served because they feed on the food particles left behind. They can also be found near garbage cans and other places where decaying organic matter is present.

Phorid flies can be found in a variety of environments, but they are particularly attracted to moist, decaying organic matter like garbage, compost, and drains.