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Termites are nasty pests that you might not even notice are in your home until it’s too late. Termites eat wood, which is typically used for the main structure of your home. Our homes have wood everywhere—in the walls, the floors, window and door frames, and items we use to furnish our houses.
Termites can cause thousands of dollars worth of damage to your home. To keep damage minimal, pay attention to these early warning signs that termites could be wreaking havoc on your home:
Stuck doors and windows
Have you noticed a window or a door that has been more difficult to open or close recently? This can be an early sign of termite damage. Termites manipulate the moisture in the wood, which can cause it to expand. This can make doors or windows “stick” as there’s more friction when you go to open or close them. As termites eat away at the wood, it can also become warped. You may also want to look at baseboards and other wood trim around the house.
If you live in an area with naturally high humidity levels, this could just be a common occurrence for your doors and windows. It may just be time to have your wood refinished with an anti-humidity sealant. If this is the case, you should keep your eye out for other signs of termite damage.
The appearance of water damage
Termite damage often resembles water damage. Keep an eye out for sagging ceilings and squeaky floors. If your wooden floors are starting to warp and squeak, and you haven’t had any flooding or water damage that you know of, it may be termites eating the wood.
If your home has wallpaper, the wallpaper may start to peel away from the walls. Your walls and ceilings might appear to have unusual bubbles, or even holes, beneath the surface of paint or wallpaper. Sometimes they can be pretty hard to see as they can be pretty small, and this type of termite damage is often left undiscovered until the house undergoes renovations.

Swarmers & discarded wings
There are two different types of termites, but the ones you are most likely to see are the reproductive members known as “Swarmers.” Swarmers are often seen in the early spring when they start to leave the colony to look for a mater. They have a pair of large wings that are pale and can be up to ½ inch long in size. Swarmers are attracted to light, so you’re likely to see them around windowsills or entryways.
Swarmers will shed their wings when they find a mate. If you see a pile of discarded Swarmer wings near your windows or entries a new colony is forming near/in your house and it’s time to call a pest inspector.

Mud tubes
Have you ever seen a trail of ants moving towards a food source? Termites act in a similar way, but they create “mud tubes” that help protect them from the elements. Termites dry out easily, so they use these mud tubes to manipulate humidity levels to keep them safe. If you see any tunnels created with mud on the outside walls of your house, you may have termites.
You can test to see if a mud tube is active or not by breaking a piece off. Even if you don’t find termites inside the piece, you should check back in a few hours to see if the termites have rebuilt the tunnel. Even if that tube is inactive, you should still call a pest inspector to double-check. If the tube is inactive, it could mean they’ve moved to another part of the house. It’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to the structural integrity of your home.

Termite droppings
Termite droppings, also known as “frass” can signal to you that there is an active termite colony nearby. Frass can look like wood dust/shavings. However, termite droppings aren’t always a tell-tale sign. Depending on where you live, you might not always find frass. Frass is more commonly found in southern coastal states. In some climates, termites use their droppings to create their mud tubes.
If you see frass, you should contact a pest control center like Atlus Pest Solutions as soon as possible.

Call Atlus Pest Solutions
Atlus Pest Solutions uses Termidor HP II, one of the most effective and advanced termiticide delivery systems available. Your home is one of your most valuable assets, so make sure it’s properly protected! Having a pest control inspector come to your home monthly is the best way to prevent termites from causing extensive damage to your home. Call today!